How To Write An Assignment Effectively
Uni is going back, and yes, it’s time to get back into writing… This early you say? Absolutely I say! Writing is a skill and it is one that needs to be crafted, honed and practiced. It is an art that requires not only to have an order, but also to have creativity, flair, follow a logical flow and let’s not forget – impeccable referencing.
To digress for a short while, lets think about referencing for a short while. The easiest way to explain the importance of referencing is to use this analogy (coming from a university marker). If you are listening to a radio station and your favourite music comes on, but there is radio interference and you cant here the music quite clearly… from a marker’s perspective, that is what referencing is all about. It’s harder for them to here the music, because referencing to them is so important. So in order for them to hear your music, make sure your referencing is spot on, impeccable, the commas correctly place, the journals italicised – whatever style you are using, ensure it is exactly as it should be. In this way, you words, the effort you put in researching your paper, shines and the marker can hear the music in it’s entirety. But that’s not required in the marking rubric you say? Believe me, if a marker has to go back and re-read your work because they have been so distracted from your poor reference skills, then this will detract from your overall mark. Academic integrity and referencing to them (if poorly done) or if you are caught plagiarising is like being caught shop lifting – a high infraction! That’s how seriously they take it!
Now we’ve covered what not to do, let’s cover some of the basics. Planning, planning, planning, planning. Gather all of your journal articles (no more than 8 years old) – and please don’t use their reading guide or text books. It demonstrates you haven’t read widely, can’t be bothered, nor know how to do a database search. Again, if you return to the marking rubric, there will be some broad reference regarding that there. You then need to obviously have an Introduction, Body and Conclusion. Whether you are allowed to use Headings is up to the lecturer is their choice, but for the time being at the planning stage, writing your paper and integrating your thought process into a cohesive whole, headings will really help you as you start writing your assignment. If you write well and with headings, then at the end of the draft, with some well chosen joining phrases (should headings not be allowed), you should be able you come up with an assignment that reads well in a cohesive whole that is structured, cohesive, follows a logical order and contains higher ordered thinking – but only if you put the work in!
Unfortunately there has been some inconsistency regarding the marking that universities are awarding students which unfairly disadvantages students. Whilst this is true to a certain extent, to give yourself the best possible advantage this is a great article that hopefully will give you some extra guidance! Nursing Tutoring Essentials / Nursing Essentially also proof reads assignments and conducts online tutoring should students require additional assistance.